Back to blogging, yet again?

It has been around 6 months since my last blog post, and after looking at the wonderful and inspiring blogs of some friends, I have decided to return once more to blogging. Or at least attempt to, anyway.

For once, rather a completely restarting a new blog, I'll be continuing on with my previous Photoblog, which ran out of steam earlier this year.

At the moment, I'm still trying to see if I can transfer that entire blog to this new one, though I have not really decided whether I'll switch permanently to Wordpress or not as yet.

In any case, the photographic journey continues once again...

Back in SG

I'm back in Singapore for the (Australian) summer holidays...

This blog, unfortunately, is piling up on updates that I should have done months ago, but did not do due to busy schedules in uni. Hopefully, I'll update all the posts soon (Yes, there's a lot of them...)

Skies of Dust

When I woke up early this morning, I found my room bathed in a strange orange glow. Curious, I went to look out the windows of the apartment and this is what I saw:

The entire place was shrouded in orange, and the buildings that were further out could not be seen at all. The wind outside was also really strong (It was literally howling). Later on, I found out that the city (and surrounding regions) had been covered in what I would like to term a 'dust storm'.

See here for a news article on it.

By afternoon though, the skies had cleared, and my favourite blue skies were back. Many of the vehicles on the roads however, were covered in a thin layer of the red dust (To think of all the cleaning the owners have to do).

Such an interesting day (with regards to the weather, that is).

Busy, busy, busy

Due to me being busy with this or that and mountains of endless schoolwork, I seem to be neglecting the blog again...

Hopefully I'll be able to do proper updates soon (Starting with the many overdue posts).

Settling Down

It's been more than 2 weeks in Sydney.

My internet has finally been set up, and I'd start updating the blog again soon.

Stay tuned, as I clear up my backlog of photos...

Off to Sydney...

By the end of today, I'll be on my way to Sydney, starting my university education at UNSW...

There'll be lots of things to miss about Singapore, but hopefully, I'll have a good time there studying (And taking photos, of course).

I probably would not have time to update for a while, and I already have a pile of stuff that's backlogged...

APAD and other matters

My APAD thread (Here) recently surpassed the 10000 view mark. It's an accomplishment, I guess, and a good one.

Maintaining a constant flow of daily photographs for the thread, whether taken or edited on the day, is no easy task. Well, I found it okay most of the time, especially after I had left NS and had more free time to concentrate on my photography.

Now, however, I seem to have come to a bit of a block. My recent photographs aren't of my usual standards; Blurred shots, photos with no proper composition, etc. In addition, I'm a little short of ideas as well.

Maybe the fact that I'm starting University soon (In a foreign country too...) is causing me more worry than I really know (I'm feeling anxious/nervous/excited/confused?).

I really do hope to improve and take better photos, not just so that I can maintain my APAD, but so that I can show people (and myself) that photography is something that I can be good at.

Stating the Obvious

I'd rather not have to say this, but sometimes, the obvious also needs to be stated.

Please be reminded of the following :

All images in this blog are not allowed to be distributed, re-used, re-produced and published in any forms without prior permission granted by its owner
(That's me).

Have a nice day, and keep reading blogs :)


Just got my circular polarizing filter (CPL) for my camera today - Tokina, 72mm. Currently learning how to utilize it properly, and trying to see if I am able to stack both it and my UV filter together.

Mayhaps I will be able to post some shots soon.

Another note to myself

I realize that by the time I get around to writing a blog entry, the event that it's about would be a few days past. But it is inevitable, I suppose, as I take quite some time to get the post processing done.

Well, it's not that big a matter (or rather, there's no point in making it a big matter), so I shall move on and get started with the next entry...

A note to myself

I really need to start updating this blog regularly, instead of the random spurts that I'm doing at the moment, especially since it's not like I'm short of time, now that I've ORD-ed.

And while I do need to revamp the blog a little, I will not start anew, as I have already done it four times, but things just return to the messy state that always seem to prevail.

Enough of the excuses. Get on with it.

USA Photos...

I've been back from the US for a week now, and I'm still not done sorting out the US photos... Will upload some here soon, once I'm done being busy with work and other random bits of stuff.

New Blog, Yeah!

Okay, this is yet another attempt by me to blog... My 4th, I believe.

But this one's my photo blog :)

So I'll start of with a test pic :

This is something I took awhile ago, and is as close as an actual "Macro" shot as I can get without a professional Macro lens.