To Ubin and Back (The Wildlife)

I went to Pulau Ubin on Friday with a group from Clubsnap, but with the blistering weather and the hordes of people visiting (It was a public holiday, after all), I failed to come up with much ideas for photos, at least for the landscapes...

But I did manage to take some of insects, animals, and people.

We met this cat while we were having a break after ascending to and descending from the highest point on Ubin, which was a rather difficult trek through thick ferns and rather steep terrain... Unfortunately, I don't have any nice photos from the top this time round (It was my second time up there); I was just too winded from the climb up to do much photo composition and such.

The Cat Who Looked Away

The cat kept turning and moving, so my best shot was of it facing away...

There was this dog there as well:

The Coconut Dog

I 'named' it that as it seemed to like coconuts a lot.

Then there was this bird, which we all tried to photograph:

There were also quite a number of insects that we spotted as we walked along the roads to and from the high point, and the others took macro shots. I only managed one 'good' one:

The spider was a really big one, which is probably the main reason for me to have been able to get such a nice shot...

And now for my most common phrase in this blog : To be continued...

I have yet to complete the processing of my photos, so I'll continue the entry (a new one) at a late time/date once I am done.