The 450D Club had it's outing to Sungi Buloh Wetlands Reserve (SBWR for short) on Sat morning. It was my first time there after more than 5 years, so everything felt unfamiliar.
Although we were forced to return to the Visitor Center and wait when it started raining in the mid-morning, the weather cleared up later, and we had a pretty good time there (Apart from the mosquitos, that is). Also, Joe and Ryu were amazing with their knowledge of insects and birds.
Here are some of my shots from the trip :
#1 - Grasshopper
#2 - Brown Butterfly
#3 - Wasp Butt
#4 - Crab on Leaf
Didn't really get many bird shots, mainly because my lens, at only 200mm, isn't the best for birding. Maybe I'll think about doing what Ryan did (100-400mm FTW)the next time I go to SBWR.
Here's a rather nice one, except that it's really blur and full of noise (heavily cropped too)...