Of Studio Shoots and Car Shoots

Pardon the long gap between posts... But the past month was truely hectic, with multiple assignments due, laptop and other technological problems, and exams, I just haven't had the time to deal with blogging :/ On to the topic... Studio shoots and Car shoots (Which happened so many weeks ago now ~)

As I've probably mentioned before, model shoots and other forms of people photography isn't my main area of interest when it comes to photography genres, and I'm not that good at it anyway. However, because the photos from this years first studio shoot looked great, I decided to give it a try myself.

Overall, it was pretty fun playing with the lighting, and I liked how different photos could look with the various types of lighting we tried, though in the end, I still don't know a lot about lighting...

The car shoot was held a week after the model shoot, and involved yet another form of photography that I haven't really tried. Most of my shots didn't turn out too well, with lighting being an issue again. Fortunately, I felt that at least a few turned out acceptably (Not sure if they're acceptable to those who do car shoots more frequently though...).

Ah well. Goes to show that I need quite a bit more practicing with lots of stuff :P
