Explorations! (Part I)

I'm finally getting round to doing this series of long overdue posts...


Being a non-local in Australia meant that there were many places that I've never been to; places that I wanted to find out about for photography. And because I'm always dreadfully busy during semester time, the time to do some exploring was either before or after semester. The first time I did this was earlier this year in February, when I bought a weekly pass and went around the eastern beaches and the city. Now at the end of Semester II, 2010, I decided to go exploring once again, but instead of just going around to locations closer to the CBD and where I stayed in Randwick, I decided to go further out.

As such, I got myself a MyMulti 3, the weekly ticket that covered the greatest extent of unlimited travel, and went exploring for a week, from 11 - 18 November.

DAY 0 (11 NOV)

The explorations began earlier than planned when I decided to make a quick trip over to Bondi for a look at the annual Sculptures by the Sea, right after I bought my ticket (and right after my exam ended too).

My eye for art isn't that great though, so I didn't take many interesting photos.

DAY 1 (12 NOV)

For the first day of actual explorations, I decided to go south, towards Wollongong. First stop, however, was at Coalcliff station, just over an hour out from Sydney. From there, I walked the Sea Cliff Bridge, with its great views, all the way to the next train station at Scarborough.

From Scarborough Station, it was about another hour by train before I reached North Wollongong Station, where I stopped to walk to the beach, and to walk along the beach to the main part of Wollongong itself.

I didn't really spend a lot of time in Wollongong however, and it was only mid afternoon when I went to Wollongong station to catch the train back to Sydney (I did consider going further south to Kiama, but was worried that I'd miss the necessary trains back to Sydney, so I didn't go. Plans for next year, perhaps?)

TBC in the next post...