Yes, I know it is way past September, but when the university work schedule gets busy, everything else gets seriously backlogged. This post is about the trip that my family made to visit me in Sydney, and the eight days of rapid touring that I brought them on..
The trip was one of non-stop sightseeing and eating, when it started with jumping straight from the airport to the first stop at Bondi Beach, where we spotted a whale, of all unxepected things. From there on, it was location after location - Watsons Bay, the Sydney Fish Markets, and Darling Harbour were covered in the duration of just the first day alone.
The second day covered the Blue Mountains...
Day three was down south, through the Illawara...
Then it was a day around the city on day four, which was also my younger brother's birthday, which we celebrated by dining out at ARIA at Circular Quay, where the food was great and the prices massive..
The fifth and six days was a longer trip up north, covering the Central Coast, Newcastle and the Hunter, again with lots of good food ~
The final two days of the family holiday wound down at a less exciting pace in Sydney, primarly involved with sending my sister to the airport on the seventh day as she had to return to the US a day before the rest of the family flew back to Singapore.
Overall, it was a trip that was as fun as it was exhausting, and I was really happy to have been able to show the family around the places where I've considered to be an overseas home for almost four years now. More pictures in facebook, in both the Main Album, and the Food Edition ~
Till the next time, enjoy the photos ~